10 Temmuz 2009

Dikkat! bu bir çağrı mesajıdır...

arkama bakmadan dönüp gitmek..belki de bu durumdayken en cok istediğim şeylerden biri..ota b*ka ağlayıp duran biri oldum zaten..yaşlandım ben iyice yaşlandım..hayatımda köklü bi değişikliğe ihtiyacım vardır belki ama o taraflarda da değilim.sigaram bile tat vermiyor.O'na da hak vermem lazım bütün gün benimle iligilenemez ya..onun da bi hayatı var.buyüzden ona da cok yansıtmak istemiyorum bu durumu..ama ağladığımı anlayınca çok üzülüyor o da.belki sıcaklardan bi sıkıntıya girmişimdir.ya da biaz kilo aldığım için de olabilir.(neyse ne bilmiyorum işte bana da şu yaz sıcaklarından dolayı iç sıkıntısı geldi ve geçmiyor..


3 yorum:

  1. Planning the Control over Medicine
    The next topic is Medicine. There would be profound changes in the practice of medicine. Overall, medicine would be much more tightly controlled. The observation was made:

    "Congress is not going to go along with national health insurance. That [in 1969, he said] is now, abundantly evident. But it's not necessary. We have other ways to control health care."
    These would come about more gradually, but all health care delivery would come under tight control. Medical care would be closely connected to work. If you don't work or can't work, you won't have access to medical care. The days of hospitals giving away free care would gradually wind down, to where it was virtually non-existent. Costs would be forced up so that people won't be able to afford to go without insurance. People pay... you pay for it, you're entitled to it. It was only subsequently that I began to realize the extent to which you would not be paying for it. Your medical care would be paid for by others. And therefore you would gratefully accept, on bended knee, what was offered to you as a privilege. Your role being responsible for your own care would be diminished. As an aside here – this is not something that was developed at this time ... I didn't understand it at the time -as an aside, the way this works, everybody's made dependent on insurance. And if you don't have insurance then you pay directly; the cost of your care is enormous. The insurance company, however, paying for your care, does not pay that same amount. If you are charged, say, $600 on your part, they pay $300 or $400. And that differential in billing has the desired effect: It enables the insurance company to pay for that which you could never pay for. They get a discount that's unavailable to you. When you see your bill you're grateful that the insurance company could do that. And in this way you are dependent, and virtually required to have insurance

  2. New Difficult to Diagnose and Untreatable Diseases
    Next heading to talk about is Health & Disease. He said there would be new diseases to appear which had not ever been seen before. Would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable- at least for a long time. No elaboration was made on this, but I remember, not long after hearing this presentation, when I had a puzzling diagnosis to make, I would be wondering, "Is this ... was what he was talking about? Is this a case of what he was talking about?" Some years later, as AIDS ultimately developed, I think AIDS was at least one example of what he was talking about. I now think that AIDS probably was a manufactured disease.

    Suppressing Cancer Cures as a Means of Population Control

    He said:

    "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else."
    Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation.

  3. Blending all Religions …. The Old Religions will have to Go
    Another area of discussion was Religion. This is an avowed atheist speaking. And he said:

    "Religion is not necessarily bad. A lot of people seem to need religion, with it's mysteries and rituals – so they will have religion."
    But the major religions of today have to be changed because they are not compatible with the changes to come. The old religions will have to go. Especially Christianity. Once the Roman Catholic Church is brought down, the rest of Christianity will follow easily. Then a new religion can be accepted for use all over the world. It will incorporate something from all of the old ones to make it more easy for people to accept it, and feel at home in it. Most people won't be too concerned with religion. They will realize that they don't need it.
